(em)Powering Southern California homes since 1989.
Whatever your individual needs, we strive to incorporate efficient solutions in our designs. From lowering energy costs, to providing battery backup for medical emergencies, to powering and protecting your property from wildfire, we have designed solutions for folks from Malibu to Idyllwild.
Kathy + Ron in Malibu
When the Woolsey Fire struck in 2018, Kathy and Ron’s home was protected by their solar battery backup and a sprinkler system. It was specially designed to stave off wildfires until help could arrive - whether the morning coastal fog or firefighters in a county fire truck. When the fire finally slunk away from their community, their home was one of the few undamaged, save for a few singed strawberries. Their panels unfortunately melted, and were replaced by insurance.
Wileen, Riley + Teri in El Sereno
Teri designed our first SES logo in 2011, and became a frequent customer. SES completed a landscaping plan and installation in their hillside home, tripling the amount of usable outdoor space they had available. We added a second stairway and accompanying plantings, and turned an overgrown hillside into a terraced vegetable and ornamental garden, with a patio that looks out over the San Gabriel Valley. A few years later, we added a hybrid water heater. In 2020, we installed a 3.8kW solar system on their new roof, and a recently completed a battery backup setup.
Lynn + Steven in Echo Park
Lynn and Steven commissioned us to install a solar array on their 1922 craftsman home, and Steven was so enamored by his new system that he asked us to join our sales team (when we had one). They enjoy their retirement in their hillside home, overlooking downtown Los Angeles, complete with 55 steps from street to the house. Installing the EV charger for their Fiat 500e was also an adventure as we had to run the conduit up through their terraced gardens while concealing it along the fence.
Chris + Melody in Studio City
Solar power and EV enthusiasts Chris and Melody sized a system on their own, then contracted with us to do the installation and relied on us to specify quality equipment and hardware. They soon added a backup battery (provisions for which were made with the original install) and an EV charger for a future EV. Their home has a complex roof, with many angles and small roof sections, requiring us to carefully balance placement for optimal solar production while meeting the stringent setback requirements required by the city. As the years have passed, they have been pleased with the steady production of their system, its ability to power their transportation, and the backup power it provides when the Utility grid does not deliver.